Musings and practical wisdom about stepping up as leaders for ourselves and our communities. Written from the trenches of working mom life, you'll find camaraderie, actionable suggestions and new perspectives about what's possible when we put our own fulfillment first.
Networking Isn’t a Dirty Word
Let’s reclaim networking as the single greatest tool to build meaningful work relationships, to drive big and small connections and to land whatever it is you want personally and professionally.
My Top Non-Fiction Reads of 2023
I shared my top 2023 non-fiction reads in a recent newsletter and wanted to leave this list at your fingertips for easy access when you’re looking for your next inspiring read.
Power of the Lookback
It’s so easy to get stuck in the inner stories about how our productivity measures up to our to-do list.
Enter the Reverse To Do List, so you don’t forget your impact and celebrate your achievements.
“No” is a complete sentence
With decades of conditioning and patriarchal systems, saying “no” without apology or explanation can feel like an impossible feat.
But getting comfortable with “no” as a complete sentence is key to easing negotiations.
Narrative Vacation
To all the women out there who want to write a romance novel.
It’s time to pull that dream into focus.
And if you’ve been putting off picking up a good book until you have time, let this inspire you to start now.
Have you been sitting on a Decision Fence? I’m excited to share next steps for me as I stepped over the fence and took a big leap this summer.
Beware the Walking Tread
Land a lightning deal on a walking tread?
Here are some tips to supplement, not replace the beneficial walk around the block!
You Need Hobbies: Reason #211
Do you ever get stuck on a project and need a way to break through the standstill?
Hobbies can help!
OOO - Me Day
We are over halfway through Q1 - have you taken a vacation day yet?
If not, let this be your reminder - permission slip if you need one - to take one day off for you in the next 6 weeks.
2022 Reads in Review
I love sharing and receiving book recs!
These 23 reads in 2022 fueled my passion to empower women to return from burnout to badass.
What do I do if I’m already burned out?
What do I do if I’m already burned out?
Whatever you do, don’t make another list of shoulds.
Do this instead.
Helium Hand
The return of many in-person events brings the return of bombarding volunteer requests. For helium hand sufferers like me, these tools will help you appraise each request before automatically raising a hand.
A Big Celebration
I’m celebrating completing a big goal and it’s all about how I can help YOU pull your own dreams into focus!
Rage & Restore: A Smashing Good Time to Beat Burnout
Women are facing a kind of burnout that's systemic, relentless, debilitating and downright exhausting. It’s time to take restoration from rage into our own hands.
Returning Rage
This goes out to all the working moms returning to offices - again, for the first time since March 2020, or soon.
I see you. I feel what you’re feeling.
I know how discombobulated your mornings are as you pivot yet again to a new reality - arguably, an old reality.
Design Your Lens
I’ve honed my “process” for creating a guiding intention for the year and I’ve gotten clear about what it can do for me. Call it a mantra or an ideal, I see the intention I set as a lens – a perspective – through which I view big and little decisions throughout the year.